Harcz László: Az evolúció filozófiája-1. Kattintható Tartalomjegyzék, A teljes szöveg egyben

Archív, 2018. 05. 10., Harcz László: Az evolúció filozófiája - 1. kiadás

A vágyak és a beteljesülés A „könnyebb út” csábítása és a nehezebb, de helyes út felvállalása Erkölcsfilozófia, kultúrális evo...

2017. szeptember 20., szerda

Harcz László: The philosophy of the evolution-1. in 12 points, 24th January 2018.

The thought process that shows how human morality has been created and we prove that the purpose and meaning of human life is to achieve the highest degree of morality

1. Humanity has come together with advanced human reason;
2. This allowed the appearing of the self-deception. This makes it possible for us to preserve the immeasurably pleasant evolutionary reward feelings without the fulfillment of evolutionary obligations, and to keep the fact of our deception secret to our thoughts; This is what we call self-delusion, self-deception. Self-deception makes us and our instincts believe we are not deceiving. In this way it seems to us that we have carried out our evolutionary tasks, and the difficulties associated with them, and have not chosen the morally simpler way.
3. The fact, that the self-deception in this way deceives, sabotages our evolutionary duties, our tasks, endangers the functioning of evolution and thus the survival of life and the main purpose of life too, because our choices we constantly make in the constant adaptation necessary for survival, will by the many deception deprived of a realistic, stable starting base;
4. The advanced brain and advanced genetic material have allowed conscience to develop in some mutations. Conscience is able to offset the harmful effect of self-deception in the survival of life and restores the effectiveness of life-sustaining instincts, the safe and effective functioning of evolution;
5. Thus, in evolutionary selection, the number of individuals with more advanced conscience increased faster. Thus, conscience became the inherited property of the human race. The conscience can break in some way through the wall built by the self-deception between our reality and our consciousness and between our reality and our life-sustaining instincts. 
6. On this basis, we can say that morality originates from conscience and only the individual can be called a moral person who executes exactly the instructions of his conscience. Morality therefore means that the person can resist temptations of the wrong way, which means that the person can resist his morally illegal, immoral hedonistic desires, which only aim at acquiring the unworthy, undeserved evolutionary reward feelings.
7. To what extent we are able to lead the directives of our conscience, that is, to the extent that we can meet the survival requirements, the requirements of our existence and survival instincts, insofar as we are able to withstand the self- imposed, unwanted, immoral, hedonistic constraints of our pleasure-seeking, as far as we undertake the difficulties of the moral way, we are to the extent morally;
8. These instinctual, bad temptation, immoral, self-serving, selfish, hedonistic impulses, which are tempting to the bad, are predominantly realized with the help of self-deception, one can say that he who is able to control his self-deception and his self-certification is capable of a moral Life.
9. Self-justifying self-deception and sincerity (honesty) mutually exclude each other. So rightfully say sincerity (not just outwardly, but inwardly, for ourselves), the greatest value, along with the morality. These two features are essentially the same;
10. Thus we can say that in the human world the purpose of life, the meaning of human life is to attain the highest degree of morality.

11. Transcendence is the same with our genetic material and with our life-preserving instincts based on the evidence listed and new discoveries. Everything we have thought to be transcendent means the experience of billions of years. These experiences are perceived  in the form of our instincts, conscience, intuitions, and ideals from our genetic material.
12. Self-transcendence is essentially the same as our conscience, with the instinctive effect our genetic material tends to keep us on the ground of reality, and it is emotionally helping us choose "the morally right way" instead of "the moral light path". In other words, "to go beyond ourselves, to exceed ourselves" (C. A. Vogler), "He who is following me must deny himself!" (Jesus' words from the New Covenant).
The shortest concept of morality is therefore: the most common and most significant forms of lighter way, the struggle against the instinctual, self-serving, opportunistic, hedonistic constraints with elemental force, the false compulsions of our bodily enjoyment-seeking, and on the psychological emotional level, our constraints of our false joy- and happiness-seeking, our struggle against the constraint of our false self-esteem and our false sense of community and of our bad temptation instinctive constraints we have mentioned above, our struggle against for self-serving seduction of our desires.

Budapest, September 19, 2017.

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